Weather station for Wild West Watersports

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Weather station for Wild West Watersports

Unread post by bwd »

A new weather station was installed yesterday at the Water's Edge restaurant at the Harbour Quay in Port Alberni. Thank you Thom at the Water's Edge, make sure you visit for a beer after you sail.

Thank you Matt at Wild West Watersports for climbing on the roof to install the bits. The weather station is very close to the old one, but in better wind and it should be more reliable. It does look like it fills in later at the Quay compared to Wild West and it looks like it's a bit lighter, so it won't be perfect, but it's a start.

10 minute updates are on the Latest reports page (AlberniHQ).

1 minute updates are here: ... &headers=1

15 minute updates are sent to the Weather Underground: ... IBRITISH49

We don't have real time winds or the fancy summary pages like the other weather stations. This is because I would need access to the router to grab the data every few seconds and this would be too much to ask. We can do this when we eventually move the weather station to the Wild West site.

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Unread post by KUS »

something about fall protection Matt, it truly is Wild West :lol:

Nice work both of you, you rock :!: Thanks Dave for making the trip, ordering gear, donating time and energy, fuel and patience.

I don't know what we would do without your constant wind-driven energy you expend for all of us :D
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Unread post by Skeltic »

Thanks for the new toy Dave! We love it!!! Now I can kiteboard from home.
KUS: I am a kiter I would just float down to the ground.
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Unread post by eastside »

Great to have the wind readings back. Thanks
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Unread post by GregK »

Big Thank-you to Dave and Matt !!
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Unread post by saulman »

-that was short lived. :cry: Any idea when the station might be back online?
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Unread post by bwd »

Yep, sorry. I was hoping the router/Internet we plugged into (the cities?) would be more reliable. I think we need to look into the connection and figure out what's wrong. Also I think the wind directions are 180deg out. I'll have to leave it to Matt at www to deal with this since I'm in Oregon.
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Unread post by Skeltic »

Sorry folks, I am on it though and if all goes well it will be up again today
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