Tides for more dates

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Tides for more dates

Unread post by saulman »

Dave, you have built such great website it is a little awkward to suggest improvements but I'm wondering if you could put a forward and back button into the tides screen to look at the upcoming tides.

Also, the forward and back buttons when viewing the latest reports graph for a particular location don't seem to be working.

Using Firefox if that matters.

Hopefuilly I haven't asked for something too monumental.

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Re: Tides for more dates

Unread post by bwd »

saulman wrote:I'm wondering if you could put a forward and back button into the tides screen to look at the upcoming tides.
Hi Saulman: thanks for the comments. I always appreciate feedback and suggestions, I just can't promise when I can implement them. I've wanted to upgrade the tide info for a while now. Right now I just generate the 2 day tidal plots every night on my home PC automatically. I want to install the xtide server server at some point on my Linux machine so we can generate tide plots for any date. This might take a while but it is something that I want to do.
saulman wrote:Also, the forward and back buttons when viewing the latest reports graph for a particular location don't seem to be working
This is working fine for me in Firefox. From the Latest Reports page, I click on Columbia and it opens a popup, then I click on Island View and then I can use the Back button in the popup. This works for me, is that what you mean?

I have been having home webserver problems and I know the last 36hr plots haven't been opening properly sometimes. I think I need to buy a new router.

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Unread post by saulman »

Ahhhh -so that's why you have the back button. I was expecting it to go back by a day on the chart. (Which would be a handy feature for looking for patterns).

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Unread post by more force 4 »

Saul - you can get pretty good pattern from the 'archive' tab, very top row of options, home page (and all pages?).
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