board repair

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board repair

Unread post by windsurf247 »

Any board repair guru's out there :?: I've got a 98 Bic Saxo 270 that I'm trying to fix up as a light wind board. The bottom has delammed about 12" in from either end. :cry: It is still intact though, just ballooned out. I've read a few things on the net about how to repair it. One idea mentioned drilling holes in the bottom, filling with epoxy and clamping with a vacuum pump. Sounds reasonable. Anybody ever try this?? Anybody have a vacuum pump....I don't think the ones that come in a plain brown wrapper would work :lol: Any thoughts?? Anyone interested in having a board repair weekend?? I'm thinking of building a board spinner too if any one is interested in giving it a whirl....
Board Guru

Unread post by Board Guru »

:idea: Use sand bags to weight down delamination. :shock: Works Well,instead of vacuum. :) Wax board so excess resin, does not stick. :? Put plastic under sand bags. :) Use epoxy,not polyester. :shock: Mix correctly :shock: Do the repair work in the shade,not direct sun. :oops: good luck. 8)
Board Guru

Unread post by Board Guru »

:roll: Oh yeh! Make sure the board is totally,absolutely "DRY". :roll: Or else give it up! 8)
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board repair

Unread post by windsurf247 »

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give the sandbags a try. How much epoxy should I be injecting into each hole??
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Unread post by windaddiction »

as little as posible rob? I think that sounds the best. When i did my seatrend i put a lot in (too much) i think with yours though if you put too much in you could awlays squeeze it out before ti hardens?? anyways see u at the beach cool guy
Board Guru

board repair

Unread post by Board Guru »

Hey Rob,You want to make sure that you use enough resin to do the job.This method is a one shot deal.It is the one that has work the best for me.Just mask off the area's of the board that you don't want resin on.Use plastic as well around area of repair.Wax will help to keep it from sticking to the finish.Should chip off with a sharp tool.When you drill your holes,you need very few,more if the delamination is large.Remember that when you inject the resin in air will come out somewhere, so you need just enough resin to flood the area of the delamination,when resin comes out,not air.That's enough.When you apply pressure to push the laminate down,excess resin comes out.So you need to squeeze and then hold it down with pressure from the wieght of the sand bags.Put plastic over the area before wieghting it.This will alow you to see what is happening.Save some resin for filling,there will always be air voids at the hole points,as air will continue to come out even as resin hardens.Tricky business this repair stuff. :roll:
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