CB Video

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CB Video

Unread post by bean »

Here's the highlight reel from New Year's Day at CB. All the video was taken from a tripod set up in my car in the parking lot and it was zoomed too far out so the action is a little on the small side. It's the first video I've ever edited so ... anyway... with those excuses out of the way - enjoy! It's about 10 megs:


BWD, if you want to put it on this site somewhere feel free. I'll take it off my tiny webspace in a week or so. D
is that a whitecap?
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Re: CB Video

Unread post by bwd »

Linky no worky for me. I'd be happy to put it on the site,
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Unread post by bean »

Wankers deleted it on me ... over your limit my ass! It's working now (with a new file name), but for how long, I can't say:

is that a whitecap?
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Unread post by bwd »

bean wrote:Wankers deleted it on me ... over your limit my ass!
Hey Bean: I put a copy on the site and changed your links, hope that was ok. Excellent work on the editing - lots of great action there. Did I see MikeC do 2 forwards in 10 seconds? Nice. Hey you need to park closer next time :D
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Unread post by winddoctor »

Nice work, Bean!

Some nice backs and forwards by the crew at CB! Dunkinguy was killing it!
We should chip in and get a video sherpa to shoot us. The Van worked out pretty well, though. The band was great too, though I don't remember seeing them on the beach.
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Unread post by JL »

Nice work Bean. That looks like more fun than cowering behind a tarp @ I-view !!!Tarp is safe in my shed R. Dewd...You will see it again ...
Last edited by JL on Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Nice work Mr. Bean! All I can say I miss it! Hope to get out soon!

BTW Speaking of tarp.......where is it?
Cancer must die!

Unread post by Guest »

I'm downloading now ...

I'm looking to buy a headcam. Something with a small cam that connects to a recording unit that I can strap on the back of my harness. Does anyone have a link to such a thing?
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that last Guest was me, Morewind dood (now logged in...)
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

Samsung had a cigar cam / recording unit for around $800. It was designed for sports. I think I saw it in the Futureshop flyer several weeks ago. It would be great for land sports, and I'm sure one could find/make a waterproof case for it. Anyone else know of an affordable sport cam? I may be interested too.
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Unread post by JL »

http://product.samsung.com/event/optin0 ... scam_site/ http://www.atc-1000.com/poison.asp?p=snow I read a review of the atc 1000 in an outdoor mag. Its a 'flash' unit so few moving parts. Pretty grainy images...The samsung is a great idea...Still researching...Maybe Russian dude can modify an I-pod for us or use some device fron Russian intelligence...Here is another...I love google http://www.microvideo.ca/helmet.htm.....Here is a review of the atc-1000:A livelier, if less analytical, record of outdoor adventures can be created using the Oregon Scientific ATC-1000 Action Camera ($120; www.oregonscientific.com), a video camera that can be mounted on helmets.

While the ATC-1000 is not up to the technical standards of cameras used by ESPN and other broadcasters, it does have some advantages. For one, it costs considerably less than the professional models. More important, it does not require an external recorder. Instead, the camera stores images on SD memory cards like those used with digital still cameras. (It captures video at 15 frames a second, which is half the professional rate.) A one-gigabyte card can hold about an hour of video, which may be more than enough mountain bike action for friends and relatives.
Last edited by JL on Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

you may soon find a lot of folks sailing very close to you!!
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CB video

Unread post by dunkinguy »

Awesome work Bean. Even if it was zoomed out, it is still cool. Nice editing job. Fun to see what a kook I really am out there. Next time I risk life and limb on a massive death forward I'll have to make sure the camera is still on. I think we all look pretty good in the waves considering how much time we put in wave sailing. Can we call it wave sailing at CB. Maybe on this day and last Sunday. Well Done. :P
Love The Hate!

Unread post by Guest »

jimmy lewis wrote:http://product.samsung.com/event/optin0 ... scam_site/ http://www.atc-1000.com/poison.asp?p=snow I read a review of the atc 1000 in an outdoor mag. Its a 'flash' unit so few moving parts. Pretty grainy images...The samsung is a great idea...Still researching...Maybe Russian dude can modify an I-pod for us or use some device fron Russian intelligence...Here is another...I love google http://www.microvideo.ca/helmet.htm.....Here is a review of the atc-1000:A livelier, if less analytical, record of outdoor adventures can be created using the Oregon Scientific ATC-1000 Action Camera ($120; www.oregonscientific.com), a video camera that can be mounted on helmets.

While the ATC-1000 is not up to the technical standards of cameras used by ESPN and other broadcasters, it does have some advantages. For one, it costs considerably less than the professional models. More important, it does not require an external recorder. Instead, the camera stores images on SD memory cards like those used with digital still cameras. (It captures video at 15 frames a second, which is half the professional rate.) A one-gigabyte card can hold about an hour of video, which may be more than enough mountain bike action for friends and relatives.
That samsung link is not working for me, here is another link for the samsung SC-X105L - http://www.samsung.com/Products/Camcord ... 05LXAA.asp
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Unread post by JL »

It was Probably the 'flash 8' requirement for the sanyo site that caused you problems.
Thermals are good.
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