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Unread post by Bobson »

Just thought I'd put in a post to let everyone that didn't get out on Sunday, March 14th what a great day it was. 8) Arrive Island View at 10:30am...One kitedude I didn't know that had just arrived as well. Started to rig up the Go 180, Sailworks 9.0m. Jimmy Lewis arrives and rigs his 16m kite. Get out on the water, in the straps, which by the way are back and out now, in the harness going Mach 1. Probably 12-16 knots with some lump on the outside because of the current. Within about 1 hour there were 4 more kiters and MF4 on his 7.5m. Then around noon it picked up to about 14-18kts and then at 1pm it lighten a bit and 4 more windsurfers came and 4 kites left, Chris(super sailor-dude with lotsa knowledge) on a 6.2 going quicker than almost everyone(cept me..not!), and Steve (Fomula dude) on his Sailworks 9.8m and his Starboard X186, BWD decided to rig big with his 5.8(not bad for only being 140lbs soaking wet :lol: ) and the Russian guy who it didn't matter how big he rigged, meant the wind would die...and so it did :cry: . By 2pm it was down to less than 10kts on the inside and still 12-14 on the outside but quickly falling. By 2:30pm it was changing to Westerly with the outside sand bar less than 54cms deep as found out by grounding on the way in. By then most decided to head down to Kook St for more fun. Myself deciding to head home to soak my hands as they were raw from the death grip I had on the boom most of the day hanging onto the 9.0 for dear life. Only 1 blister and one raw finger in the end. MF4 on the other hand wasn't quite as lucky and he shredded two fingers with the new sure-grip decking he applied to the topside of his board.

Okay, long enough....spring is here with double digit temps and sunshine and wind most of the day. WOW, what a day. That was the fastest I have gone since starting to windsurf 19 months ago. Here's how it went by the numbers....
20 waterstarts attempted, 18 made, 2 exhausted uphauls.
10 planning gybes attempted, 1 made(sorta) 9 waterstarts practiced.
30 tacks atttempted, 28 made, 2 more waterstarts practices.
1 jump made :shock: , only because the board got air off a steep ramp that I didn't see coming, 10 finger imprints in the big boom, 1 large smile and a very, very loud YAHOOOOO!!!

What a wonderful day of sailing! WOW! :D
Russian Guy

great post, Bobson!

Unread post by Russian Guy »

BTW I'm looking for a voodoo practitioner to break my bad luck with the wind..... Does anyone know one?
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Yep, a great day for big gear, finally. :D. Bobson, we'll have to race some more - pick a crab pot as a gybe mark next time... Gives that little extra umphh to push yourself... Only one hand was scraped on the board - the other was a thumb base blister from mis-placed harness lines coupled with a little overpowered death grip. Should be all hardened up for the weekend. 8) Late aft/evening sessions possible
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Unread post by Bobson »

:D Ya, I'm in for some more racing....I love racing others but mostly just going fast!! :idea: Maybe we can organize some racing at IV in the near future. If there is anyone interested in getting into some 'good fun racing' let's hear from you. I'm sure it wouldn't be too tough using either crab pots or we could get a couple of big buoys with some rope and a couple weights. Sounds like fun to me..?? Anybody else..?? :?:
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Unread post by JL »

:P Keep up that stoke Bobson!!!! Jimmy Lewis......Coast guard free since Christmas eve.
Thermals are good.


Unread post by Guest »

Maybe just wait till JL goes kiting again and use him as the downwind mark...Ha, sorry dude...couldn't resist! :lol:
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Unread post by JL »

Hey Bobson..How about a kite/windsurf biathalon?! [smilie=axe.gif]
Thermals are good.
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Racing - Biathalon

Unread post by Bobson »

:D I'm not sure if you mean that each person would have to do both or in teams or you kiting against me windsurfing..?? That would be interesting. You would kick me around the marks(as I would be falling or have to tack) but I could take you upwind I think..?? I like the idea though with the races to include the kites!!! :twisted:
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Unread post by JL »

8) How about teams that switch !!
Thermals are good.
Russian Guy

Unread post by Russian Guy »

Another brilliant idea would be a demolition derby.[smilie=biggun.gif] [smilie=bang.gif]
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Unread post by windsurf247 »

I'm not so sure that you would want to involve yourself in a demolition derby. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing by some of these posts that you might be a fairly popular target :?
Russian Guy

Unread post by Russian Guy »

Don't worry Rob. I can take care of myself. In case things get wild I always have a spare long extension that could be used as baseball bat..... :wink:
Anyway, I think in THAT kind of derby you are getting in not for the victory, but the fun after
:wink: [smilie=beer.gif]

BTW Have you ever played football on ski? :shock: I have...... :D
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Unread post by JL »

:twisted: :?: Good idea Russian guy..I think the local shops would support FULL CONTACT kite/windsurfing!!!!
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by Starboard Steve »

Yup, the 14th was a great day up at IV. The 9.8 was a bit of a challenge at times. You'll have to join us on Sundays at Nitinat in the summer Bobson. I'm also thinking of organizing a couple of Formula races on Cowichan Lake this summer if you are interested. You should be fine on that Go and 9.0. [smilie=beer.gif]
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Unread post by Bobson »

Sounds Great SS :lol: Lake Cowichan is much easier than the Nitnat trip. I gotta get out more and work on my planning jybes. It'll be much easier now that the weather is warming up. The old 3/2 wetsuit gets a bit chilly :shock: falling in on every attempt. HA!
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