Kiting in Nanaimo

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Kiting in Nanaimo

Unread post by letsflykites »

So I'll be in Nanaimo for th next few weeks and will be close to both Myron Bay and Pipers Lagoon. I won't have access to a car so I'm not sure about getting to any other launch sites. So with that said I guess I'm hoping for some good SE winds and some warmer temps?

The Pipers wiki mentions a wind shadow from a jetty but wouldn't that be more for wind surfers?

If anyone is brave enough to kite I hope to see you there!

Am I missing something or ignorant on some life-saving tidbit of info?

moderator: not sure if this belongs in Kitesurfing or not. I'm just as happy to freeze in winter with windsurfers!
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Pipers wind shadow is from an island/headland, not a jetty. Pipers isn't really kiteable on NW unless you are really good with dealing with 0-25 knot gusts that will drop the kite and then fully power it up when its in the power zone..... Although of course you might get lucky and ride a single gust from the beach out past Clarke Rock to the steady wind. Not sure what it would be like in a SE, the wiki says its still gusty but I expect not as bad, the water is flatter, might be more beginner friendly. Maybe a mid island mutt or Parksville kiter (see the other current thread) will chime in. You are probably better to head to Parksville.
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Lantzville kiting

Unread post by Scubasteve »

San pareil or Rowland's on mid rising tide in nanoose on SE and once in a while a winter NW will make Sebastion or Blueback work on midtide. Need good self launch skills. Myron not good for kiters. Barnacles and pier piling. Occas. The actual pipers lagoon on SE high tide if you have skilz.
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Unread post by KUS »

So once again someone tries to kite Piper's. Disastrous consequences, two people hurt, mother horrified along with other bystanders and children, ambulance and fire department resources lost, cutting locks off access gates, more cost, trip to hospital and use a first aid kits, extra time for those helping. It's not just about you and your health but everyone that gets dragged into it… In this case literally. Yes stuff can happen to all of us, however on this day with some local knowledge this was extremely poor choice on a number of levels.

The scenario was launching in the upper area of the lagoon where the gusts were at their worst, likely close to 30 kn. I saw the kite flying very poorly and wondered what was going on. Next thing you know the guy apparently got hoisted in a gust from the lagoon side and dumped onto the open ocean side onto the rocks. Reportedly no helmet but given the scenario that probably hardly matters...not much going on in there probably. His buddy who just got there to see him crash tries to save the kite and gets his hand mutilated in the process. Kite drifting into Departure Bay.

Pipers is not a good kiting choice IMHO. Apart from spots mentioned above, try Neck Point if you have advanced skills. On the west/ northwest winds you may need to ditch and swim ...against offshore current if at Pipers BTW...if something goes sideways below the lighthouse you are going to Gabriola Island or Vancouver, best case Departure Bay for a long rocky walk.
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Unread post by gnarf »

Whoa that’s crazy! Yeah don’t kite at pipers on a nw! Looked super gusty at the launch when I was there once and after bullshitting with one of the local windsurfers I took his advice and split for some other beach he told me
About with cleaner wind on the beach.
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Unread post by KUS »

gnarf wrote:Whoa that’s crazy! Yeah don’t kite at pipers on a nw! Looked super gusty at the launch
goes double for a heavy W!NW as gusts spin/spill off the higher levels of the point and not as on some summer days somewhat cleaner thru the gap...
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Thanks for filling in details. Hajo's log sounded bad. Ouch! Let me guess, buddy tried to be helpful and wrapped the line around his hand to pull harder? Probably didnt know a steering line from a centre line? Glad you guys could help with the response. Idiots will hurt or kill themselves and that will get both kiting and windsurfing banned here, city councils dont know the difference of the sports in terms of risk from gusts :evil:
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Unread post by nanmoo »

It's interesting how this happens a few times a year. Especially if it was this poster who basically acknowledged their own stupidity in this very post! "Am I missing any lifesaving tidbit of info?" "Wind shadow more important for windsurfers???" Have you seen windsurfing!!!??? They can slog in 2 knots! Kiting is just too easy to learn but still comes with a sense of "extreme" and "hardcore". Newb participants can't tell their own inflated sense of bullshit ego apart from actual skills and knowledge and then things like this happen.

Everyone always repeats It - ask someone who knows, if in doubt don't go out - but does that ever actually happen? I feel like every time I tell someone not to do something it has the opposite effect.
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Kiting in Nanaimo

Unread post by scarlet »

I am adding that I hope the lads recover ok.
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Unread post by ScottMartel »

I hope you have a speedy recovery buddy!
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Unread post by juandesooka »

I wrote a long sermon, then deleted it.

I hope the best for those injured, wish them a speedy recovery. If they choose to carry on with kiting, I ask them to consider more of a safety focus.

I for one would be more than happy to speak to you, by pm/email, phone, or in person, to help you understand what's needed for a long and safe(r) kiting career. I am equally sure that locals in the Nanaimo community would be more than happy to help you get on the right path.
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Unread post by Moondude »

1. Kite high in left of frame
2. Kite down
3. Ambulance on spit

Hope everyone is ok. Anyone have updates on condition of the injured?
Piperscam-5-1847.jpg (74.87 KiB) Viewed 7734 times
Piperscam-5-1808.jpg (92.1 KiB) Viewed 7734 times
Piperscam-5-1803.jpg (90.33 KiB) Viewed 7734 times
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Unread post by KUS »

Moondude wrote:1. Kite high in left of frame
2. Kite down
3. Ambulance on spit

Hope everyone is ok. Anyone have updates on condition of the injured?
i only saw the kite flying low and erratically in the gusty conditions on starboard tack inside the lagoon....I saw the buddy arrive and moments later come back with his hand injury...he timed the kitemare perfectly and had no chance to get ANY info or instructions but was trying to help his friend in the moment
ScottMartel wrote:I hope you have a speedy recovery buddy!
i don't think there's anyone here on this site that doesn't wish for that...this thread focus is on outlining where to kite in Nanaimo and that Pipers is not a good choice...I have updated the wiki which is already excellently extensive, very obviously windsurfing focused and was quite clear on cautions but I have added to it some kiting hazard inputs (which was blank).

Let's hope to avoid repeats :roll: and if other spots apart from those listed could be suggested with details it would help.

I have heard of kiting at Myron (looked sketch to me), Neck Point (advanced) and Roland (beginner). Nanoose Bay seems a good beginner choice at moderate tide if you stay clear of aquaculture side and is gusty. North Rathtrevor boundary of park is super safe on a light to moderate SE ending a downwind run at San Pariel as I can confirm. NW point of San Pariel on a NW wind can also yield a long safe run to Rathtrevor...both have sand and/or pebble/small rock beach launches on moderate or low tide and not too many people generally. Self rescue is onshore and should be easy. There is little self launch means apart from sand...which can be sketch too
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Unread post by nanmoo »

There's a nice safe spot to kite in Lantzville. I've beach launched, tether launched and drift launched there.

I just read the unlucky person has a broken hip and concussion but will be ok.
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

Where did you read this?
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