Android phone widget app

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Android phone widget app

Unread post by Russian Dood »

Hi boys and girls.

For those of you who "joined the revolution" and bought HTC Magic or HTC Dream smartphone from Rogers I have a little early Christmas gift. It is a small widget application that shows you right on one of the screens whats going on @ your favorite sailing spots.

You can put on the screen as many of them as you want, they update every 10 min on 3rd min ( 03, 13, 23 etc ) but only if the phone is awake. If you missed few updates due to the phone standby mode, then they update themselves as soon as you unlock the screen, so the network traffic and battery life stay affected by minimum.

If the wind is less than 13 knots the face stays green sad one, from 13 to 22 its a blue "hmm" face and 22 and up it's a red grind.

You can get it from here

All questions and comments are welcome.



Here how it looks like :
device.png (125.17 KiB) Viewed 11069 times
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music at Nitinat

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Hey RD,

Is that how you pumped in Black Eyed Peas music around the campfire at Nitinat on May long weekend? Nice phone feature that was :) Thank-you again.
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Unread post by bwd »

You be some kind of genius RD! Nice work. Now about an iphone app.... :) You could make tens of dollars selling it in the app store.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

That is super cool!!! If only I had a trendy phone that could use it!

*ahem* *cough* geek! *hack* *cough*
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Thanks BWDood. Yes I am. And modesty is one of the best of my qualities :wink:. As about iPhone.... if I had a Mac and iPhone I probably would do that.

Does anyone have spare Mac box and iPhone that I could poke a little? :wink:

Mr Nanmoo I'll take your coughing as a compliment. As about phone availability/userbase the industry expects about 30 new models by the end of this year. Moto pretty much announced that they are dropping all other OS's in favor of Android ( AKA Google phone ), Samsung is releasing one next week or so, the list will grow. Chances are some of you guys will have an Android phone by the end of the year
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Indeed it was meant as a compliment mr. russian dooode!
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

More phones to add to compatibility list

The current list is not long, but.... Here it is:

HTC Magic
HTC Dream
LG Eve

HTC Hero

Motorola Droid
Motorola Cliq
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Hi guys.

I decided to bite the bullet and post my app to Android market. The reason - too many Android phones in the wild. So if you have a smart phone with application called "Market" the run it, search for "BigWaveDave" install the app, put some BWD widgets on your home screen and enjoy.
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mobile site/android app long time running

Unread post by 57palm »

I think it is little known but BWD has had a fantastic android widget APP for a long time now. It works flawlessly and you can put any BWD weather station of your choice right on your android desk top. The report updates every 10 minutes and uses very little data. Invaluable for my twitching.

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Unread post by Wingnut »

that's Russiandood's app btw :)
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

I can put a little opinion on the matter. Just add a little software on the the app and it's all going to be yet another feature. If we can have them tight up, which we can.

Sorry for my English. It's broken
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Unread post by 57palm »

Russian Dood, yeah thank you very much for the work on that app. I use it every day all day well done. I hope things are going well for you and we will see more great stuff in the future. (we are not formally acquainted but I am sure we have met at Gordons a few years back)

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Andorid ap issues

Unread post by saulman »

I seem to be having technical challenges with the BWD current wind android ap. :( When I try to place the widget on the panels, it goes to "Loading Data" but never completes . Is anyone else having glitches? I'm using it on a nexus 7 with Android 4.2.2. It is unfortunate that we won't be able to seek the assistance of our beloved RD on this anymore. Does anyone have the source code? I'm no professional programmer but I'd be willing to give it a shot. #-o
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Unread post by cguygo »

ill buy you beer or tequila if you get it working Saulman :!:
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Unread post by saulman »

Seems to work fine on Android 4.0.4. :?:
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