Nitinat Lake Campsite Underwater!

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Nitinat Lake Campsite Underwater!

Unread post by mshepard »

I flew up to Nitinat lake on Sunday. The campsite is basically under water. The cleanup is going to be ugly! Here is a picture of the rivermouth. Yikes!
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Unread post by JL »

nice photo kiteking...thank you, a lot of us were wondering about the lake...
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Unread post by mshepard »

I talked to the contractor who cleaned the campsite out the last time it flooded. It took a crew of 20 guys over 4 weeks to clean it out. It was waist deep in wood. The MacBlo road crew got involved for a week and a half as well. That is when they put the ring road in with new campsites. He is going to go up again this weekend and have a look to see how bad things are. I'll keep you posted.

Unread post by Guest »

I guess they let 'nature' clean out the outhouses this year. Something needs to be done about that.


Unread post by Dale »

You know, Having formerly lived out in out in Nitinaht for 5 years, it actually floods the campsite 2-4 times a year. For instance last year it was 3-4ft in the lower spots of the campground, but for the most part all the debris stayed on the beach as most of you noticed this spring. If fact, the high water is great as it moves the big stuff up the beach farther, clearing the lower areas for more launching room!!!! and other fun beach activities.

Sail on! :P
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Starboard Steve
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Unread post by Starboard Steve »

Thanks for the photo post. I always wondered what Nitinat looked like in the winter.

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