Keeping it rigged

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Keeping it rigged

Unread post by Bigtrib »

Hey y'all

So quick question for everyone. What are the long term effects of leaving your rig rigged all the time? All the guys here just leave their gear rigged up with the rest of the rental stuff. If I do the same will my HotRod lose shape or something?

Thanks islanders
Just stoked...
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Unread post by downwind dave »

tough problem to have! take a look at one of the rental rigs that has been rigged for a long time, does the mast have a set curve?
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Unread post by KUS »

release the down and outhaul slightly, it should be ok for a few weeks

long term your mast will adopt a bend over time and the sail gets stretched, bagged out. but who cares if you sail on that :lol:
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Unread post by Bigtrib »

Ya good point markus. If I end up staying here for another 6
Months I will come home quick, grab my gear and just keep it rigged for the most part. One of the other instructors has had a superfreak rigged most of the time for like a year and looks ok other than being very sun bleached. Thanks guys
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Unread post by winddoctor »

One more thing,

Apparently a batch of the previous Hotrod masts had some trouble with being left in the sun for extended periods. The ferrules got a bit wonky in one batch in warmer climes. You are best to ask Jeff Henderson on the HSM website.
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Unread post by Bigtrib »

Alright windoctor, will do
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Where are you?
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Unread post by downwind dave »

dude is living the dream at club med punta cana (Dominican Republic). it would be cool to get a conditions report!?!
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Unread post by Bigtrib »

Well it's been off and on rain for the past few days thanks to Irene. we generally have an E 5-10 kn ish side shore, that will pick up too 15 or 20 every few days. But again with the hurricane it's been S Anywhere from 20-30 with insane 15ft waves at the ship wreck (reef break). I'm right next door to the playa blanka kite club. I hear it will just keep getting better and winter is amazing for sailing and kiting. 20+ all day everyday.
Bringing the stoke to punta cana.
Just stoked...
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