2010 starboard quad 86

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2010 starboard quad 86

Unread post by wind-and-wave »

Would appreciate any input on this board.
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Unread post by KUS »

wow, the 2012's are almost out man, who's got time for such ancient gear talk? :?: :wink:
might find a few transferable bits of info here
http://www.bigwavedave.ca/phpBB2/viewto ... light=quad
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Unread post by winddoctor »

Wind-and-wave, have you sailed any twins or quads before? Any reason you are looking at the SB Quad 86 in particular? Where will you be sailing? I haven't sailed the SB Quad 86 myself, but have a number of others in the SB range, as well as Quatro and Goya so far and can give you some general traits of quads that I've noticed so far.
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Unread post by wind-and-wave »

Winddoctor, I havent tried twins or quads before, but I have tried the Real Wind tri-fins and really liked it, that's why I am looking at quads. They seem to be a real change in boards giving you extended wind range and versatility, good for a number of styles and location. Any ideas on this board or quads in general would be appreciated.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Tons of stuff on quads here, I think Kus linked you to one of the more recent threads, alternatively use the search function.

Only time I don't use my quad is in super marginal winds, flat water, or when my feet want the added comfort of the RRD feet lounge cushions to gently caress my tootsies. Otherwise the quad goes up wind better, planes just as early, but perhaps goes slightly slower.
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Unread post by KUS »

This probably cuz BigWinds has one on sale?

I have a new Quatro Quad 85 here and can have a Goya sent over too. As well I am selling my 2010 AHD 87L Concept Trifin wave. That board rocks too and all the prices are right, pm if interested.

These all just rip upwind and go from cafeteria tray if you want to gouging the crap out of the waves. :twisted: I get great speed out of the 95 Quatro Quad but it does take some input.

If your heart is set on SB, I would opt for a 2011 or wait for the 2012's.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

2010 they had mini tuttle boxes and big fins up front and surfinz in the back, making it so you cant switch the fins around. you are stuck with big ones up front (unless you go buy more fins). 2011 they have the same boxes all around so you can swap em all around. if you like big fins up front its no problem but i think big ones back was a better all around setup for speed and drive. the 2011 quads i sailed in maui all had big fins to the rear.
i dont know what else they changed aside from the boxes and graphics.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I sailed the 2011 with the big fins up front and then switched them to the back and agree with Dave, the back is where you want them. Up front the board was just silly twitchy when you didn't want it to be like high speed through chop.
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