Please keep your eyes out for my stolen kite!

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Please keep your eyes out for my stolen kite!

Unread post by sconnieNation »

About 3 weeks ago someone yanked my kite, bar and harness out of my vehicle in Victoria, near Quadra Village. From the looks of it, they must have thought it was a back-pack. I've looked at a lot of the second hand stores and no luck. I thought that I would make the community aware of it, just in case you see it around.

Bag: Classic red and black slinghsot back-pask style

Kite: 2007 13 m Slingshot Fuel - Colors Red and Blue (superman style) with a large REAL Kiteboarding Logo across the canopy (R)

Harness: White LF

Bar: 5-Line LF I pieced together

Any information would be much appreciated... Thanks!
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Unread post by AC »

That Sucks.
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

if you could post a clear photo of the kite that would help.
curses - foiled again!
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Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:35 am

Here's a photo of the kite, Thanks!

Unread post by sconnieNation »

I've attached a photo of my kite...
Stolen: Slingshot Fuel
Stolen: Slingshot Fuel
IMG_7236.jpg (281.88 KiB) Viewed 798 times
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