Kite history/progression

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Kite history/progression

Unread post by Teabag »

Hi everyone, I was wondering about the date that the first BOW kite came in?
Was it 2005 or 2006? What company did it?

And then what year they created the SLE kite? Was it the following year or 2 years after the BOW kite? And once again, which company did it?

Also, can someone correct me on the placement of the middle kites-->

Kite Characteristic:

C kite.......Delta-C.......Hybrid...........SLE.....................BOW

On the extreme left C kite, extreme right BOW kite, Delta C/Hybrid and SLE are place by similar characteristic, i.e. SLE is closer to BOW than Delta C is, and Delta C is closer to C kite than SLE is. But for hybrid I’m not 100% sure of where it would go. Any correction needed on this or it's about right like it is?

Last three questions, but not as important as those ones above (it would still be interesting to know);
- What year the Hybrid came in?
- What year the Delta C came in?
- What year the 4 lines C kite came in (from 2 lines)? 2001?2002?

Thanks for any info,
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History of Kting

Unread post by Ned »

Hey Teabag,

Check out the history of kiting article in this issue. It goes from 1998-2008 and is a really cool read.

I think someone (maybe me; I'd love the credit!) posted it before, but I couldn't find it...

Should answer some questions, but not all.[/url]
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Unread post by JL »

Thanks ... I've got the RED Bull history of 'King of the Air' on DVD ... It was in a mag. a few years ago ... Great stuff 8)
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Unread post by SMACK »

Pete Cabrinah still holds the patent for the Bow Kite and the first C-four liner was seen in 1999. Robby Naish.
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kiteboarding progression

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

'speed of light' evolution of technology...crazy fast how things change and improve
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Unread post by Teabag »

Thanks Ned for the article, found out lots of answers!!

JL, can u burn this DVD for me? I'll bring you a 6 packs of your favourite beer next time I go to IV (if it’s ok with you).

1993-1994: 2 Lines kite sold as sample (under WipiCat brand)

1997: 2 Lines Wipika was born, kite start being produce to the mass (still small back then)

1999: Wipika sell license for inflatable, Naish first AR3.5

2000: 4 Lines C kites are sold. Naish AR5 2 lines convertible to 4 lines (my first kite, still sitting in the shed!!!)

- Inflatable takes over foil design on the market
- 4 Lines C kites become the standard of industry
- One pump system was born
- 5 Lines system was born (Wipika again)

- 5 Lines become a standard of the industry (but "real men" fly 4 lines, same as in 2000 when "real men" flew 2 lines)
- First BOW kite (Cabrhina CrossBow/Takoon Nova)

- First SLE (Naish Shockwave)

- First Hybrid (North Rebel)

- First Delta C (by F-One)


C Kite...........Hybrid.........Delta C.........SLE..........BOW
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Unread post by WindePendanT »

Good Job Dude!
I was just about to post pretty much what you did.
That article was a very good one. I hadn't seen that one yet. Thanks Ned.
I even pulled out my library of old kite mags to find some Dates.. but you got the way history will tell it right..
Though I think there might be a kite designer or two, who may have had designs and even prototype's that were misunderstood or just laughed at..
At first.

And now... you are officially a kite geek.
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It 's probably the same vid, but if not I have one called Upwind. If it isn't the same you're welcome to a copy.
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Unread post by Teabag »

There is only the placement of the kites characteristic that I am not sure about.


Then you add the hybrid which had more C Kite properties than the SLE so the placement would be:

C Kite.....Hybrid......SLE......BOW

But where goes the Delta shape? In between the C Kite and Hybrid, or between the Hybrid and SLE, or between the SLE and BOW? I never flew a Delta shape kite, don't know much about them. Doesn’t matter really but I’m just curious.

I already have upwind, it is a very nice documentary, thanks Todd:)
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