Any Landboarders on Island?
Any Landboarders on Island?
Kite surf, kiteboarding, I even found a thread on snow kiting ……!? Does anyone landkite? or have they ever saw a great place to landkite around here? I kite at long beach Tofino. Really sweet at low tide with a nuken wind. just wondering what else is out there.

Now I agree with you in a sense that there is way more real estate out on the water. more freedom of tact lines and no need to worry about high tide ruining your session. But it’s freaken cold out there! I have both a land and water kite set-up. But when I get the itch to kite I end up land kiting just for the simplicity of it. Easy self launch and landing, less wind needed to generate speed, Plus I love bailing into the hardpack! But you said you do a bit... Were abouts you ride?
You can ride at clover point, that would be the best bet as far as room is concerned, but watch out for traffic and light posts...
Island view used to be a good spot until they erected that big cheese grater in the middle of the grassy area. Other than that... Buy a good wetsuit or a drysuit and the cold water won't be an issue! ;)
Island view used to be a good spot until they erected that big cheese grater in the middle of the grassy area. Other than that... Buy a good wetsuit or a drysuit and the cold water won't be an issue! ;)
I have a wet suit 4/3 mutant and am in the market for a dry suit. But to tell ya the truth I just love landkiting, I guess it's just a feel thing. But I've been to clover point. Really busy place. Before I started to kite I saw a kid riding his skateboard out there with a small 2m kite. I fly a 9.5m hq montana 2 and a 6m ozone access xc. Too many people around to fly them there. Would be worse than long beach during tourist season
But where is island view?

- Posts: 14
- Joined: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:48 am
O.K thanks for the replies.
But lets keep focus.
Think hey if my board had huge tires I could totaly rip up that empty soccer field. Or farmer John lets people snow kite wonder if he would be open to the idea of land kiting. Or give up that secret spot that your rippen with that mountian board already
But lets keep focus.
Think hey if my board had huge tires I could totaly rip up that empty soccer field. Or farmer John lets people snow kite wonder if he would be open to the idea of land kiting. Or give up that secret spot that your rippen with that mountian board already

I too have had those same cravings at times but I would hate to be that guy that killed kiting it the community by pulling a Munson
I am amazed that Ruben is still a sponsored rider after this stunt!

- Starboard Steve
- Posts: 49
- Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:27 pm
- Location: Victoria
I built one out of my old skateboard about 15 years ago. I sailed it a few times in parking lots. I gave it up though after the guy in front of me sailing his similar contraption busted his femur. Seems he hit a pebble stopping his board in an instant. Asphalt is not as forgiving as water.
My land board now makes a great mechanics crawler and furniture mover.
My land board now makes a great mechanics crawler and furniture mover.
I use a mountian board. They go pretty much anywhere. I have 2 I bought off my buddy in Ucluelet. I was self teaching myself and he suggested I try a 3m with a mountainboard I got hooked on it and bought some sick gear. I ride a MBS Alex Brown pro 6 now. Really nice ride on the long beach hard pack at low tide. Sweet to bomb hills with when there is no wind too!
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I've got a MTN board...I've wanted to try it with my kite, but haven't had much luck finding a good spot [I'm moving to Victoria this May]....and as others have mentioned crashing in the water hurts less...
I have had fun bombing grassy hills with it...summer snowboarding I guess.
If you find a good spot let me know and I'd be interested in trying it long as the conditions and site look safe.
safe riding,

I have had fun bombing grassy hills with it...summer snowboarding I guess.
If you find a good spot let me know and I'd be interested in trying it long as the conditions and site look safe.
safe riding,