Where to buy a Chinook extension in Victoria

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Where to buy a Chinook extension in Victoria

Unread post by KC7777 »


I lost my Chinook stubby extension for my kids 2.5M rig (and forgot to buy one in HR).

I will be coming in to Victoria tomorrow morning....where can I buy a Chinook short extension?

Please post store name and address?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Where to buy a Chinook extension in Victoria

Unread post by KUS »

KC7777 wrote:Hi,

I lost my Chinook stubby extension for my kids 2.5M rig (and forgot to buy one in HR).

I will be coming in to Victoria tomorrow morning....where can I buy a Chinook short extension?

Please post store name and address?

Thanks in advance,
Bosun's on 600 block Johnson, Excel at 2001 Douglas or if you need a short ext SDM I have used Chinook or new WSHawaii. 213-9602 near Uvic
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Sandy Beach
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w/s gear

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Hi Casey...now I understand your 'handle' (KC 777).
Check out the banners on the home page here.
Chris Shepard at Excel Watersports, or try Bosun's Locker, both in Victoria for w/s mast extensions.
I would suggest calling ahead to see if they have any in stock.
Hope that helps direct you with your search.
Life is all about balance, and a dose of healthy wind addiction
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