Sail Repair

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Sail Repair

Unread post by TURTLE »

Does anyone know the name and number of people who fix panels of sails :?:

I have an 1999 Ezzy that I bought second hand and I should probably replace all the panels.

I have phoned one person on Foul Bay Rd but I haven't managed to make contact him.

Can anyone recommend where to have sails fixed :?:


sail repair

Unread post by MMMike »

Try Boson's Locker, downtown Victoria
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sail repair

Unread post by Bobson »

:D Paul Betts down at Bosuns Locker is the best in my opinion. He has fixed my sails twice and the quality and price is excellent. :D
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Unread post by windaddiction »

um well if all else fails i use tuct tape! about 13$ a roll but damn it holds to monofilm!


Unread post by kuss »

la ventana, mexico, $100 all panels....why would you do that? Especially for an old Ezzy...
stephen. .

Tuct Tape

Unread post by stephen. . »

Where do you get Tuct tape?
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tuck tape

Unread post by KUS »

Hey St- it's the red & black, very thin tape ($14/roll, make sure the roll edge is not damaged or it will forever tear where you don't want it to) that you can get at any reasonably large hardware store. They use it to seal moisture barrier and the white building wrap you see on framed new houses. Sticks like s*** to a blanket :D but when you do get it off, there will be red residue forever. :? Great for fixing sails if clean, washed and mega dry :!: :!: , heat helps.
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Tuck tape and repair

Unread post by TURTLE »

I have about 6 holes patched with tuck tape on that sail already. The largest of which runs the length of one panel because I put the nose my board through it.

I used windex to clean the surface and then applied tuck tape. It worked for awhile but it tore along the seam and the tuck tape is usless on the seam and that is why I need a repair.

I bought my tuck tape (red) at Crappy Tire (Candian Tire) for around $10. It works good on most rips.

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