Found Powerbox fin at Willows

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Found Powerbox fin at Willows

Unread post by Johnnyman »

I have in my possession a 34cm Hifly powerbox fin pointer style. A colleague found it at willows beach when it was lost is anyone's guess. If it's your's PM me or post here. I also still have a harness and mast extension found at Gordo's last Monday you know how to find me.
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more force 4
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Hey wondered if that fin would ever show up!!! Lost it November 14 last year in dead-onshore conditions trying to get off the beach (just looked it up on my personal log). Although I sail it with a substitute, he fin was nicely matched to the board and it would be great to get it back!

Jman, are you going to Gordons or Cook tomorrow if its good? I'm also going to the Nat for 5 days starting on Wednsday. Best to try my sellphone at 216 six4seven0
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Unread post by Johnnyman »

The fin has found it's home!
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