Does Nitinat blow in Oct / Nov

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Does Nitinat blow in Oct / Nov

Unread post by Mark_Cunningham »

Does Nitinat blow at this time of year? I assume if it is thermal like Squamish then the answer is no. But the weather is nice and there is no wind on the mainland. So...I am hunting for wind. :-)
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more force 4
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Yep, answer is no, I checked the webcam on this sunny day and it was absolutely glassy. The nice NE outflow should start for the mainlanders soon, just bundle up well!

That said, Bobson and I once sailed a thermal at the Nat in February, it was about 15 knots, but the weather was unusually warm. The water was quite brisk though, with all the melting snow!
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

MF4 is kinda right, typically no it is not windy. Definately not forcastable. This October I would say there would have been 10 kiteable days and maybe 5 decent windsurfable days, but damn cold. Kiting would have been somewhat difficult as the water levels were quite high mid month and there was not alot of beach available to launch from. Like all the storm fronts during the winter that roll through, Columbia, Comox, Island View, Chestermans, etc etc, we also get those fronts. I personally choose not to go out as the winds are normally very strong and unpredicatable.

January and Feburary can be very surprising with strong constistant storm winds, but boy is it COLD

Anyhow that is my two bits
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!
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