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Niash kites is partnered with these guys to test them in high winds with a HD camera attached 8)
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Unread post by dcardew »

I go to a number of police tradeshows during the summer and there is a company out there that has something similar with a wireless video camera attached. On the remote control there is a screen that displays what the camera sees. I was talking to the guy last year about and he said that some people have brought them over to Iraq and use them for scouting over hills to see what's over there. One guy has even got so good at flying it that he has used to to scout through an abandoned building to make sure it's clear. Interesting use of technology.
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Unread post by KUS »

0nly a seriously huge advantage for close range combat, hate to have my opponents have a few of these when I'm hiding on a rooftop somewhere trying to ambush etc. :shock: next they'll attach some curare dart gun to the thing :? cuz why damage the perfectly intact building with a granade :roll:
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Looks from the specs like it has lots of reserve lift even with the camera attached. For super spy-type stuff I've read that they are putting nano sized cams onto bumble-bee sized flapping wing ornithopters to be less conspicuous. The old expression "Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall" isn't far away from being real!

More for us pleebs, I read on another thread that hi-res waterproof micro vid is down to <$200 now. Helmet cams for everyone!
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