Squash Glasses for Kiting ?

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Squash Glasses for Kiting ?

Unread post by Mattdog »

I need a clear pair of goggles for kiting in winter. Has anyone tried squash goggle or glasses ?
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Sailing/Kiting Glasses

Unread post by Windsurfish »

Try Spex:


I haven't any clear lenses, but the tinted/polarized ones are about the best I've seen....

They weborder etc and are also good for spare lenses. Can you get me a set of clear replacement lenses so I can try them if you order - I will get some $$ to you if you do....
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Unread post by 'Ol Dude »

Hey there-
I have used prescription squash goggles with variable tint for windsurfing for years. I have the kind with a soft strap on them so they are comfortable under a helmet. They may look a bit gorky but it's sure nice to see where I'm going!
Most optomotrists have them in stock.
happy sailing- Geoff
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

I'm not sure if this will work for you, but I use $7 clear safety glasses for winter/forest biking and they work really well. You'd need a strap for kiting/windsurfing, but it's still a cheap solution.
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Unread post by asscrack »

Check E-Bay ,lots of watersports glasses for sale there :lol: I have a pair of these,they are great. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Sport-Shield-jet-ski ... dZViewItem
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Unread post by Mattdog »

Thanks, I tried the safety glasses. I dont think the cheap ones are distortion free and guess the lenses are low qual. the squash ones claim to be optically correct all around. The Leader ones fit nice and close around the eye but have vents too - great since I want to keep all the splash out of my eyes. I dont think windsurfing really has this problem. It sucks when kiting. I do use dark polarized Sea Specs when it's sunny . The squash glasses are $20 to $30 with lots of styles to choose from
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