Blue Heron Park - Yellowpoint

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Blue Heron Park - Yellowpoint

Unread post by heffe222 »

Does anyone have experience sailing or kiting off Blue Heron Park, near Yellowpoint? How is it for launching in a strong southeaster? Or what is the typical onshore wind direction in the winter?

Looks good on paper, with a big fetch across from Valdes Island.
Blue Heron Park.jpg
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Used to sail there

Unread post by Windsurfish »

Blue Heron tends to be squally, and pretty flattish, but OK I guess. I used to try sailing there every storm 10 yrs ago. It was the backyard then. Sailed with grey whales there a few times. There was an old timer that sailed the bay just north of BHP. old gear, but out in the nukers. Head to CB. better all around conditions, and downwind is not so scary....
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

i checked it once on a no wind day, it seemed like a decent WS launch but it is small, pretty rocky and there are some big boulders to watch out for.
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