Windsurfing in Europe

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Windsurfing in Europe

Unread post by BigD »

Looks like I'll be headed to europe in June for work/vacation and I'm
thinking about possibly trying to sneak in a day or two of windsurfing along the way. We'll be in Ireland, England, and either France or Italy for a few days each. Does anyone have any recommendations of where would be a good place to rent gear and get some TOW? I am an intermediate sailor so nothing too agro and ideally with something for the wife to do close by so that I don't get in too much trouble....
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Unread post by KUS »

obviously ya haven't been there b4, eh D :?: for just about anywhere except maybe Sylt not to worry about the wife, trust me she can find something to do :lol: might cost you though :roll:

Garda Lake in northern Italy is the only place I can recommend of the countries you mentioned, lots of rental places and truly a remarkable valley 8) Sailing is big gear down to maybe Nitinatish on a better day. Great mountain biking all over, you'd probably have more luck with that in Europe. If ya have time, take a new expensive loaded bike from here, I know you can sell it over there for a good gain. :P

Also try to PM flashlight, he's been all over and sails in Egypt and Italy I think. He's coming over in May so maybe you guys can swap input. :wink:
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Unread post by Fish »

Euros are all about windsurfing. I dont think you'll have any trouble finding a windsurfing shop to rent stuff from if there is a remote chance there is wind and water nearby. Can't really speak for the rest of Europe, but I've managed to rent gear and sail on a number of puddles across Germany. The bigger challenge is that shops close at all sorts of odd times like the middle of the afternoon, sundays, or just about any time that it might actually be windy.

Kus is lying, there plenty of places for your wife to spend thousands of dollars if she wants at Sylt. That's OK though cause you will spend thousands of $ on new masts due to shorbreak there. Good thing you're not going to Germany.

Really have to be more specific abotu where you are going in these various places, but I agree with Kus that Garda would be a good bet if you are in northern Italy...and be prepared to bike as a plan B.
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