Broken Battens

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Broken Battens

Unread post by rackland »

It seems that I have two battens that have snapped where they "connect?" with the cam on my 2002 6.5M aerotech "carve" sail. Suggestions as to where and what can replace these? They are just above and below the boom. How do I remove the cams in the mean time, if I want to use the sail? Should I remove the cams?
Any guidance would be appreciated.Image


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Unread post by KUS »

In my experience, most cammed sails won't work very well once you remove cam unit but you can try it....probably need to downhaul the crap out of it anyways. Most are made so the batton is in a reinforced batten pocket tightly stuck in the molded plastic cam. Are you sure this didn't just pop out accidentally when rolled up or something??

If not, to get that out could be trickey (esp if the batten is broken) and you might have to remove the batten 6" to free the batten pocket but your last piece of batten is probably broken right there at the joint and therefore this may be a pain.
Take it to a sailmaker if the batton does not come out and you cannot manage to reach up into the sleeve to pop off the plastic cam. The cam may also be attached to the sail with a short strip of material to prevent loss (on the older ones anyway). If you're desperate you can also cut open the batten pocket or the mast sleeve and see if you can get access to cut the batten free, then get an iron-on patch for the sleeve or tuck tape for the batten pocket to do a temp repair.
Probably time for a new sail anyway, eh? :P Try and shoot Bosun's Locker (see add on this site) a line or call to get advice from Paul or someone with his expertise or bring it into him in Victoria. 8)
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Unread post by rackland »


Thanks for your reply. I have removed the cams and all the broken batten material. I will be talking to windsurfish about "finding" some possible replacements.
It may be possible to use the longer batten in the shorter batten position by cutting it down. I am not sure this is even a good idea. When I cut the larger batten down, it will make the "mast end" of the batten about 50% thicker than the normal size of the batten end. I guess that could change the action of the batten against the sail? It looks like the thicker batten end will still fit into the pocket and into the cam. I will see what I can do with it anyways. Hopefully I can find the right battens for this unit.


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Unread post by Fish »

Dude, normally you cut the fat end of the batten, not the skinny end that goes againt the mast...but talk to paul betts at bosun's locker for expert advice.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »


I have a Syncro 6.2 with good battens that I can give you - free of charge. If I remember correctly, the Syncro had 2 or 3 cams.

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Unread post by rackland »

Mike & others: thanks for the replies. I have now returned to winnipeg after 4+ months on the coast. I drove through Vancouver on dec 29. I willl have to search out here for something. Minneapolis has a fairly large windsurfing community and I visit there every once in a while.
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Unread post by KUS »

aaah, Winnipeg....Minneapolis....winter or summer......the good life 8)

When are you moving out here Rackland? :lol:
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