turkey trip including windsurfing

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turkey trip including windsurfing

Post by MikeW »

Looking to be along the Agean Sea mid May. I have looked at Alacati and Akkum as a start. ?? anyone have any recent experience or thoughts to help. ??Where to stay or windsurf. Thanks Mike W
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downwind dave
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Post by downwind dave »

Try browsing the boards forum from the UK
under locations i tried 'turkey' and got 118 different threads.
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Windsurfing Turkey

Post by DavidM »

Mike, I was in Turkey in Jun/July and Sept/Oct. I did windsurf at Alacati a few times as well as several places around Bodrum.

I PM'd you with my phone numbers. If you call, I can better give you details as well as answer questions. There are both beatiful windsurfing beaches as well as historic ruins to see on your way to the beaches.
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