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windsurf vehicle wanted
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:38 am
by Bobson
I am in need of a windsurfing vehicle. Thinking of truck, van, suv. Roof racks needed. Needs to be able to take road to Nitinat. Pretty much still open to anything reasonalble right now. I had a 4x4 Ford Ranger with canopy and racks which would have been perfect....ya, sold it. Bad decision. Anyways, if you have or know of something please let me know. Needs to be under $10k.
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:55 am
by nanmoo
4 cylinder 2WD Ranger... your best friend. Cheap on gas, lightweight so you can fly over potholes with a robust suspension, cheap to fix.
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:03 am
by downwind dave
bummer! starboard steve just sold his ranger for a song.. he had to get a baby hauler.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:20 pm
by JL
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:13 am
by abetanzo
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:15 am
by JL
Comes with executive Ditidaht parking

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:16 am
by KUS ... C_21518869 a few of these around even much cheaper, this one's looking in decent to nice shape tho....if pictures don't lie

AND it's local, looks solid and taken care of...little things like the window rain shades, decent curtains, tire cover intact, clean looking cushions, no dents in bumpers, fender flares intact, BFG all terrains, solid decent one piece mirrors, all windows open incl rear ones....
Not sure about fridge or cooking facilities, no pix....Like the layout on this one with storage up high AND sails under the bed perhaps, porta pottie or surf bins in back, possible rack on top with ladder or lg board/SUP rack on the side bolted onto the fiberglass top, bullet! Yeah, one of the better ones I have of all it's NOT a Ford

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:28 am
by nanmoo
KUS wrote:best of all it's NOT a Ford

First On Race Day!
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:29 am
by JL
Just add fuzzy dice & shag carpet

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:20 pm
by rvanderbyl
While the GMC is a nice van the roof design sucks for carrying windsurf gear unless you don't mind having it all inside. Would be better suited for a kiter.
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:59 pm
by mortontoemike
I have a 1995 Pathfinder 4X4. My son had it for 2 years and the bumpers are dented but I had the brakes done and the front boot repaired recently. It needs some work on the clutch soon but I drove it to Nitinat last summer. Has a Thule rack.
It's in Nanoose. A couple hundred and it is yours. Comes with a BWD sticker.
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:44 pm
by KUS
holy crap Mike, I'll take it

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:25 pm
by mortontoemike
You can have it.
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:55 am
by KUS
so this one is still up for grabs, my daughter wasn't into the project. Seems like the perfect Nat mobile to me

with some cleaning up and TLc this could serve someone for quite a while surfing or skiing

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:32 pm
by JL
Pathfinders rock