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IMG_3667.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers363 viewsHad a visit from the Coast Guard at Pipers. I guess there was an elderly lady on the beach with a medical situation during the bathtub race. Someone had a marine VHF and could see the hovercraft at five fingers so he called them in. They beat the ambulance by a good 10 minutes.

Sorry if this isn't the best place to put the photos. Let me know if there is a better spot.
1 commentssaulmanJul 26, 2010
hovercraft.jpg Pipers windshadow fix352 views"Just park that right on the beach sir and point those fans towards the lighthouse"nanmooJul 26, 2010
Nitinatsauna.jpg 275 viewsogopogoJul 23, 2010
IMG_7077ORrichardJuly22.jpg 259 views1 commentsogopogoJul 23, 2010
Cookcam-3-1723.jpg south action221 viewsmaking the most of the southerly1 commentsKite KookJul 21, 2010
P1020808.JPG What wood in the water? No wood here!243 views1 commentsrvanderbylJul 19, 2010
P1020814_2.JPG Normal looking launch siite here!215 views1 commentsrvanderbylJul 19, 2010
P1020815_2.JPG Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbylJul 19, 2010
NitinatBear_small.jpg Nitinat Bear206 views1 commentslkgJul 19, 2010
hdwestw.jpg Day 2..and the sun is out !!101 viewsNot so windy today and the swell was so small in comparison, but heh its wind and sun and a 5.0.UKshredderJul 16, 2010
southsouthwest_006.jpg July swell104 viewsUKshredderJul 15, 2010
iansquall.jpg Summers day115 views3 commentsUKshredderJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_008.JPG Mf4 having fun207 views1 commentsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_009.JPG Mf4 Wavesailing!230 views1 commentsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_013.JPG Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_014.JPG Janetfish ....girls can do it too!!163 viewsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_010.JPG Kus playing in the Big Ones168 viewsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_002.JPG Kus @ the Cape162 viewsjellyfishJul 15, 2010
P1020705.JPG Wild West table top182 viewsrvanderbylJul 14, 2010
P1020706.JPG Smoke on the water @ www in PA164 viewsRob lovin his new gear!rvanderbylJul 14, 2010
P1020710.JPG Rob @ www177 viewsLit, wind in the upper 30s 2 commentsrvanderbylJul 14, 2010
P1020736.JPG New amenities @www in PA250 viewsA swim ladder from the pier :)rvanderbylJul 14, 2010
P1020729_2.JPG What to do when it's too windy to sail!312 views2 commentsrvanderbylJul 14, 2010
P7052018.JPG Screeech, your turn!74 viewsMF4 at Flora'sKUSJul 14, 2010
18209 files on 759 page(s) 499