Home > BWD Members Galleries > ~~~~~4j~~ > Columbia Beach Sept 17, 2017 |
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How does one get un-"BANNED" from CB?
quit being an asshole
I think you are targeting the wrong kiter Ozy.
Nope 9.5 green prodigy, good kiting skillset but pointing, hogging, big airs inside, generally not good etiquette or right of way but unlike extreme of more predictable running amok all over the place flailing yellow North N.....t dood or the newb lawnmower chick that kept running into the beach totally unaware of any wave set, all ok just I wish people would ask or watch :/ ....the triple parking in my spot was a bummer too, didn't u see the "disabled geriatric only" sign?? :roll:just kidding we'll actually not
I took your spot because at the time there was no wind and I figured I'd at least have a nap with a view!
No, not u, it was Potty and this guy with enough door access to rig between the vehicles..😅
You'll have to enlighten me here. Not saying I'm perfect but at a loss how it's acceptable behavior to single me out and try and "Ban" me from a public beach. Pointing: Pointing upwind, using my finger to point. Please explain, I don't understand the term in this context. Hogging: What specifically was I "Hogging"? First half of my session I was in several different areas, second half once the "crowds" cleared out I was mostly right at the outer most break. Best wave conditions for me and best spot for jumping. Fail to see how that's a problem unless I'm getting on someone else’s wave. Big Airs inside: So what? Your map on "CB etiquette" shows "Jumping Lanes", windsurfers were doing "big airs inside"... Not good etiquette: You'll have to give me more details here. Right of way: I don't understand this at all. Never got on the same wave as anyone else, gave windsurfers loads of room on any crosses whether I had right of way or not. The only case there where I came "close" to a windsurfer while we were on different tacks was when we were on the outside, myself on starboard tack, what appeared to me that I would be upwind when we crossed but clearly the other windsurfer had no intent of giving way so, again, I went downwind to "let" the windsurfer have right of way.
Good on you for asking & coming back, haha. Somebody's having some fun @ yeah, maybe a bit far off n personal here. We all generally get along just fine. Numerous people who were very concerned about your jumps which were initiated @beach & landed at the edge of the break.....windsurfers jumping do it @edge & don't have 25m lines to impact those around them if you have to bail out or something goes sideways. The sailor lining up the wave has right of way so if you point (close haul) on starboard you force the incoming to either stall or go down low, both scenarios cause them to miss their wave I finally gave up on that and held my course and would have clipped your lines had you not brought up the kite....not safe or mature but I'd had enough....on a similar tack a kite points higher usually than a windsurfer. IF you parallel tack from downwind you force the windsurfer to stall and wait for you to pass ahead, also missing the wave.... line up like everyone else, get your wave, get out, if you skip wavesets inside running down the beach which only kiters can, you have to give way to the incoming rider you are facing, not just turn and keep riding (hogging), jump beyond the point break and downwind if clear.....as in the diagram....don't double park, it gets busy at times, thx Also once people recognize your skillset, they make allowances....A number of local skilled guys on kites I can turn my back on, maybe you in time
I wasn't there that day, but look at it this way it's a windsurfing spot, we're a little more lax than ho'okipa, in that we've shared it with a few kiters. But if a windsurfer tells you to get the fuck outta there, it's probably time to head home.
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